
At Meadow Wood Elementary, our mission is to provide the personalized support needed for each student to grow and reach their personal best, taking into account the unique academic, social and emotional needs of each child.


Our vision is to provide every child with a variety of challenging and authentic educational opportunities in a culture where: respect, creativity and enthusiasm for learning exists;

staff and students strive to be responsible, self-motivated people of strong character; there is a strong partnership with our communities that promotes open and frequent communication;

and we do not make excuses and we never quit!


Every child, every day.  Soaring to greatness!

Core Beliefs

At Meadow Wood we believe:

The combined efforts of staff, students and parents is required to create an atmosphere of community that is necessary to ensure the success of every student.

Our staff agrees to:

  • Conduct the business of education in a professional, ethical, and legal manner;
  • Ensure an orderly atmosphere conducive to learning, in the classroom and on campus, by communicating school rules to students and parents and by modeling and enforcing these rules;
  • Honor instructional time and minimize classroom interruptions in order to maximize student learning;
  • Demonstrate, through our actions, our belief and expectation that every student is capable of learning, and expect to be held accountable for all students' performance and citizenship;
  • Hold students and ourselves responsible for thinking, creating, and problem solving, through consistent high expectations for teaching and learning;
  • Work collaboratively with each other, using data to develop, implement and reexamine lessons, activities and assessments to support students in reaching their personal best;
  • Provide timely and meaningful information on student progress to families, offering suggestions for assisting their academic growth;
  • Model self-discipline, self-motivation, and commitment to excellence by being prepared, responsible and respectful; and
  • Demonstrate our commitment to student learning by engaging in professional development and continuing to be life-long learners.

We ask our students to agree to:

  • Follow school rules and take responsibility for their own actions;
  • Help to keep our campus clean, and take pride in the appearance of our school;
  • Come to school prepared and ready to learn;
  • Do their best to participate fully in class and complete all assignments; and
  • Engage in bucket-filling actions and activities to promote healthy relationships with peers.
  • We ask that our parents/guardians to agree to:
  • Ensure that our children arrive at school every day on time, and with the necessary supplies;
  • Work together with our children, the teachers and school administration to further the mission of MWE;
  • Communicate with teachers and administrators on a regular basis, advising of any concerns or needs to help our students reach their personal best;
  • Stay informed of school activities by reading school newsletters and accessing electronic school communications;
  • Encourage our children to be involved in activities in and outside the classroom, and we will support these activities by volunteering time and/or providing financial support for such activities; and
  • Support and mentor new parents and students in the MWE Community.